What is Robotran?

Robotran is a software environment for simulating and analyzing multibody systems (MBS) using symbolically generated equations. For instance, it enables to analyze the comfort and stability of railway vehicles, to optimize tilting vehicles suspension configuration, to perform real-time simulation of a haptic piano action, to simulate railway ballast maintenance operations, to achieve sensitivity analyses of gantry cranes or even to develop musculoskeletal models for human motion analysis.

Robotran properties

Robotran is available in multiple languages and for the mainly used platforms (Windows, MacOS and Linux) with an easy-to-use GUI. It is actively developed in a two-release-per-year development cycle.

Robotran is a research software that can be easily interfaced with other computing environments.

Robotran is a powerful symbolic engine which enables to generate large models and to deal with concrete industrial and research applications.

General features
LicenseFree-to-use for teaching and academic research
LanguagesMatlab, Python and C/C++
MBS-dedicated engine
Application fieldsBiomechanics, Road vehicles, Railway dynamics, Robotics, Piano action, Transmission mechanisms, Machine tools, …
Graphical User Interface
Real-time simulation
3D animation rendering
Kinematic constraints
CAD integration
Joint typesAny combination of prismatic and revolute joints
Rigid bodies
Symbolic code generation
Model capacityUp to several hundreds of bodies and joints
User law in joint
Parameter identification
Available numerical analysesDirect and inverse kinematics, Equilibrium, Modal analysis, Direct and inverse dynamics
Extensions and coupling
Granular material and contactLMGC90
Optimal controlCasADi
Fluid mechanics – VPM
Pneumatics and hydraulics

Useful links