Or download Robotran on your favorite OS
Want to access to Robotran Source Code ? It's just here
You can check previous versions via our GitLab repository here
Robotran provides several subroutines and tools that can be installed depending on the user’s preferred OS and programming languages.
For more details, follow the link below to make a full Robotran installation.
Three model examples are freely available to allow you to appreciate Robotran performances.
Model examples can be directly downloaded and run: the symbolic equations of motion being already included.
Follow the link to access to access them.
To have a full access to Robotran, you need a Robotran Account.
As a reminder, a limited access is available with the username and password “demo”. This limited access allows you to build a multibody system with up to five joints in total.
You can ask a full access by filling the form below.
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