End of July was organized the 11th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, hosted by Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal.
Three members of the Robotran team participated in this event. It was a good opportunity for them to present their work.
Simon Hinnekens presented a study to solve the muscle redundancy problem using EMG for back muscles. His talk was given in one of the sessions dedicated to biomechanics.
In the field of railway dynamics, Raül Acosta Sune showed his preliminary results about the characterization of the switches & crossings. He showed interesting experimental results, performed in collaboration with Infrabel as well as preliminary simulations.
Finally, Nicolas Lambricht did the job by being the last presenter of the last session of the last day. For his first multibody conference, he presented an easy-to-use tool for clinicians to improve the assessment of patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury.
Congratulations to all three for their talks!